My twin and I celebrated another trip around the sun and for my birthday, I chose to visit a cemetery. Not exactly your typical birthday getaway, I know, but it was something I had set my mind to do for my birthday this year.
Here are a few thoughts from that experience:
1) Death is certain - As I walked into the cemetery, I couldn't help but notice the thousands of tightly packed graves stretching almost from the gate. They served as solemn reminder of how fleeting life is and the certainty of death. Whether sudden or slow, expected or unexpected, sooner or later, death is as sure as the setting sun. The undertaking business is one of the few recession proof businesses that never lacks customers. The Bible says in Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die…"
2) Death is sudden in many cases – As I strolled through the cemetery, reading the tombstones, the phrases "gone too soon" and "sudden loss" featured on many of them. For many, it seemed death was sudden and unforgiving. The Bible says in James 4:13, "Now listen, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money. Yet, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? It is like the morning fog that appears for a little while and then it's gone."
3) Many are likely caught flat-footed – I couldn’t help but think just how many of those that lay in those graves were caught unprepared. Even though we all have an appointment with death (Hebrews 9:27), it remains one of the most avoided subjects. We shy away from thinking about it, steer clear of discussing it, and, perhaps most unsettling of all, fail to prepare for it. Apart from the fear of it, I can think of two other reasons for this.
First, we tend to get too comfortable here. For many, life is too good here to just up and leave. I heard a true story about a church member who was going door to door, inviting people to church. He got to this posh house and rang the doorbell. The homeowner answered, and with enthusiasm, the church member said, “Hi there! I’m inviting people to our church. Our pastor is preaching a special series on heaven, and we’d love for you to come and listen.” The homeowner paused, glanced around at his luxurious house, the sparkling floors, the big swimming pool, the high-end cars in his garage, and everything money could buy and then smiled and said, “Tell your pastor, this is heaven.”
In truth, for many people, this life is their “heaven”. But Jesus cautions against making your bed of roses in this life because of the fleeting nature of riches (Matthew 6:19-21). He goes on to call the one who piles up riches, only in this life, a fool who is destined for destruction (Luke 12:21).
Secondly, many people see this life as the end of the road. Death to them is simply lights out. With nothing beyond, they see no reason to prepare for what, according to them, doesn’t exist. So they YOLO through life determined to squeeze every moment out of it, all the while doing all they can to extend their time here as much as possible.
There is a Netflix documentary called "Don't Die", which follows a tech millionaire on his relentless quest for immortality. Now, no one would go to such lengths to prolong the "good life" unless they truly believed this life is all there is. But Paul tells the believer in 1 Corinthians 15:9 that if our hope in Christ rests in this life alone, we are to be most pitied of all men. Death is never the end for anyone. The Bible makes that crystal clear. Infact, Jesus spoke of physical death as falling asleep as if to imply it's just temporary.
4) Universalism is widely subscribed to – As I read through the tombstones, I observed a common theme. Every inscription spoke well of the departed which was not surprising. Naturally, we all like to believe the departed are in a better place. This reminded me of a story of this man who was walking through the cemetery one day, reading the gravestones. He quickly noticed everyone, according to the inscriptions, was good. Everyone was “resting in peace.” Everyone had “gone to a better place.” Curiously, he turned to a cemetery worker and asked, “Where do you bury all the sinners in this place?”
The idea that everyone ends up in a better place after death is comforting, but it isn’t one the Bible endorses. The inscriptions carved into these stones may bring solace to the living, but they may not reflect the reality of the one buried beneath them.
"But how can you say that?? How do you know that?? No one can know that! I feel they’re in a better place!"
Well, feelings & emotions are a terrible guide when it comes to matters life after death. Just because we want to believe someone is "resting in peace" or "in a better place" or "we'll be reunited again", based on our feelings & emotions, doesn’t make it true. The answer to what happens to someone after they die shouldn't be based on sentimentalism but Scripture.
According to the Bible, there are only two possible destinations beyond the grave, and our choices in this life determine which of the two we end up in. The only hope of being reunited with a loved one in the afterlife is if both of you share (or shared) faith in Jesus. Without that, it's just wishful thinking according to the Bible.
The comforting idea that everyone ends up in a better place is what is referred to as universalism. It may ease our conscience or worse, lead us to live recklessly since we'll end up in a better place regardless, but Scripture does not endorse it. In fact, the Bible makes it clear that those who find themselves in a better place are the minority, rather than the majority (Matthew 7:13-14). Unless you are completely sure that the person had placed their trust in God through salvation, the Bible makes it clear that they're not in a better place.
One of the most memorable scenes in the Christian movie "Courageous" is when Nathan, who is a believer, visits his estranged father’s grave, seeking closure. In his emotional speech, he says, "I live with the hope that you gave Him (God) your life before you died so that one day I can finally meet you face to face."
This moment powerfully illustrates the biblical truth that trusting in God through faith in Christ while alive is the only assurance of a joyful reunion & afterlife. Any contrary beliefs are flawed and merely sentimentalism according to the Bible.
5) Shrouds have no pockets – One thing that stood out was the clear wealth disparity among those buried there. Some graves were bigger and better looking, fenced, and even gated, while majority of the others were simple and basic. Yet despite these differences, one truth was undeniable...none of them took anything with them. Naked they all came and naked they all departed (Job 1:21). It reminded me of Alexander the Great’s three final wishes, which he commanded his generals to fulfill after his death:
• The best doctors should carry his coffin, to signify that even the greatest physicians can only do so much in the face of death.
• His accumulated wealth (gold, silver, and precious stones) should be scattered along the path to the cemetery, to signify that everything gained on earth stays on earth.
• His hands should hang outside the coffin for all to see, to signify that no one takes anything with them after they die.
Jesus taught us to focus on what truly matters...on the things that transcend the grave, foremost among them being our salvation in Christ.
6) The departed are long gone – I noticed both fresh and withered flowers adorned on some of the graves. In the distance, I could see a few people standing solemnly at some graves, paying their respects. This brought to mind the words of Smith Wigglesworth in the book "Faith That Prevails", where he writes:
"People get the wrong idea of mourning. Over in Switzerland, they have a day set apart to take wreaths to graves. I laughed at the people’s ignorance and said, ‘Why are you spending time around the graves? The people you love are not there. All that taking of flowers to the graves is not faith at all. Those who died in Christ are gone to be with Him, “which,” Paul said, “is far better.”
The Bible clearly teaches that at death, the body and spirit separate (Ecclesiastes 12:7). What remains in those graves are just that, remains. Their true selves are long gone and depending on the choices they made in this life, to one of two places.
Overall, it was a sobering experience. It was a timely reminder that life is a precious gift from God. I took a moment to pray and thank God for His mercy, knowing that it could just as easily have been me buried in one of those graves.
I also took time to ask for His forgiveness if I’ve been too comfortable and complacent in a world where graves continue to fill up with souls who might have been saved if only believers took The Great Commission more seriously and urgently.
If you're a believer in Christ and you're reading this, may you not take The Great Commission lightly. May you co-labor with God urgently, diligently and faithfully to win souls lest you stand before Jesus on the day of judgement with blood on your hands (Ezekiel 3:18).
God bless you.