“The Matrix” was the 5th highest grossing movie of 1999, and with good reason.
It was groundbreaking.
In this sci-fi movie, life goes on as normal, or so it seems.
The main character, Thomas Anderson, alias “Neo”, leads a mundane life as a computer programmer.
His normal life is disrupted, however, when he discovers the world he has come to know all his life is an illusion, a simulated reality known as the Matrix.
The real world has been devastated by a war between humans and machines.
The machines have imprisoned what’s left of humanity in the Matrix, their bodies harvested for energy while their minds are trapped in a computer-generated dream.
A select group of men and women have hacked their way out of the Matrix and discovered their true identity.
They form a colony called “Zion”, in the real world, to liberate humanity from the machines.
What follows is an intense and life-threatening battle between these enlightened crusaders and the machines on their quest to set humanity free.
For these crusaders, genuine freedom is more important than living a lie of false liberty.
They would rather have liberty with difficulty than slavery with deceptive comfort.
Herein, we see a parallel.
Many unbelievers see believers as living in a false religious dream – a Matrix of sought, while they live in the real world.
In truth however, according to the Bible, it’s the complete opposite.
Those outside of Christ are the ones living in a Matrix – a false reality/dream, going about their peachy lives but enslaved by the devil and sin.
They think they are free and Christians are just hoodwinked religious zealots, but in reality, they are not free but slaves to sin.
The liberated Christian crusaders who were once enslaved in the same Matrix of sin themselves, now liberated, are in a race against time to free as many as possible from the same Matrix by the preaching of the gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit before it’s too late.
An interesting question is posed in the movie:
“How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world if you don’t wake up from the dream?”
It’s time for the unbeliever to wake up from their pipe dream and turn to Christ before it’s too late.
Before death snaps them to reality and they wake up, rub their eyes, and realize their God-free, care-free, comfy life was all an illusion, but it's too late to do anything about it.
We only have this life to turn to Christ, and I pray that if you're an unbeliever and you're reading this, you'll make that critical decision today.
On the other hand, if you're a believer and you're reading this, you have your own Matrix to escape from and it's my prayer that you will not fall into any of these deceptions.
God bless you.